February 2021
Trackfile (*.grt) explained
See the FAQ Page for more details: https://www.gent-racing.com/faq-items/trackfile-elements-grt-explained/
TrackEditor v0.0.5 for tester published
Changelog TrackEditor v0.0.5: - added 3 bushes - added 3 trees - added "clear all objects" switch - added "checkpoint visibility" switch - added and fixed pitcrew savings - increased object mouse sens value to [...]
TrackEditor FeatureList
GeneRacing - TrackEditor Features v0.3: Follow us on kickstarter *NOW*: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/generacing/generacing-a-top-down-arcade-racing-game - Requirements Checker - * Filename - * Min. 2 Checkpoints - * Min. 6 starting grids - * Min. 1 box crew - [...]
New fileformat published (*.grt)
Find more detailed informations here: https://www.gent-racing.com/faq-items/track-file-format-grt-generacingtrack/
TrackEditor v0.2 Insights
Enjoy some insights of the new track editor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10Z9tfq5aTk
January 2021
***Offical Statement***
Official statement: We were, by James B., prohibited any use of the Generally-TRK files. Furthermore, we are not allowed to link to Generally or to mention or use the name "Generally" on our site. Of [...]