April 2022
Renaming to “GentRacing”
Hello Community, as you know, we have applied for a patent for the trademark "GeneRacing" as a word-picture trademark and are its owner with seniority priority, which means that we as the senior patent owner [...]
January 2022
Do you know this car?
GentRacing car Do you know which kind of car this is? Follow our kickstarter campaign to be a part of the game and the community: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/generacing/generacing-a-top-down-arcade-racing-game #gentracing #kickstarter #car #indie #unity #developer #topdownracing [...]
December 2021
New networking core result
Hi community, some very good news for guys... we did it. The fundamental of networking core is ready and usable. Some upcoming tests are open to define fix the results in different network behaviours of [...]
Sometimes, its time for a truck…
Sometimes, its time for a truck... Support us on kickstarter:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/generacing/generacing-a-top-down-arcade-racing-game to make the dream come true #generacing #kickstarter #indie #racing #arcade #racing #topdown #unity #steam #multiplayer #trackeditor #elharter
November 2021
Small headline, big news
To avoid a little bit this winter silence, we just to inform you about some improvements... We are working currently on the remake of the networking core. We decided to switch over to a high [...]
New cars in queue!
Uhh... Martin is escalating, some new cars in queue! Can you see it? Follow our kickstarter campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/generacing/generacing-a-top-down-arcade-racing-game If we hit the 700 mark on kickstarter, the campaign will be release in december! #generacing #topdown [...]