Wallbug fixed (Car can break out of track)
Colorbug fixed (Carcolor was not handed over)
Namelistbug fixed (Names are issued twice and thus incorrectly)
Several objects improved and adapted (Collider and Size)
Ready! Status visibly moved
Single-Player Button temporarily disabled
Vertical-Scrollbar added to Tracklist
Start-race button scaled correctly
Phyiscspanel loadingbug fixed
Physicspanel problem fixed -> now functional!
Phyiscspanel tiregrip problem fixed > changed to TireStartHealth
PlayerTabs Display bottom fixed > the useless ones are hidden
Collider on BushNew, House, OfficeBlockShort, OfficeBlock and SunkenTyres fixed
Defused Tooltips
RoadCone Collider fixed
All vController-Default-Values Bug (Inspectorbug) fixed
Grip and Damage behavior activated
Fuel behavior activated
UI for Public Connect-behavior added
Button for Manual reconnecten added
Added Game-Version to bypass Steam/PUN copying mechanism
Lobby-connect/Lobby Bug on close/open (Data gets not refreshed)
Loading-Gif missing in Lobby (Wait for connect...)
Pitstop calculates values incorrectly
Test Colliderbehavior between 2 Cars
Test Grip und Damage behavior
Test Fuel behavior
Moveable RoadCone
Moved ToolTips
Fix bouncing behavior per object
Missing Peoples
Behavior on Grass, Mud, Gravel, Snow and Oil is missing
Integrate Steam Screenshots, Achivements & Stats
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