Update / Alpha 0.0.7f / Changelog


# [GEN-36] - Pit Box running to car doesn't work correctly
# [GEN-54] - Chat lines are no line break
# [GEN-56] - Bridge is not colliding at the bottomside
# [GEN-57] - Lobby List is buggy if we exit a room - the room list is growing every time
# [GEN-112] - Fixed missing carcollission syncing over the network
# [GEN-119] - F3 Keycode is in use, changed to F6
# [GEN-125] - Changed Avatar-Border on track to the selected car-color to identifiy the own playerTab
# [GEN-126] - Fixed again some collission bugs over the network
# [GEN-127] - Changed wrong description (steering range) in physics panel to correct description (Steering speed)
# [GEN-129] - Fixed switch back to day (day/night controller) with original light settings
# [GEN-130] - Fixed frontlights of car (settings and position)
# [GEN-131] - Fixed Player Tab loading Bar for fuel and tires (starting default with full bars)
# [GEN-132] - Fixed loading bug of day/night controller (order of loading)
# [GEN-138] - Improved damage smoke to more realistic look
# [GEN-139] - Disabled antistuck-system for wheels per default
# [GEN-140] - Fixed "no screenshot available" bug


+ [GEN-120] - Save to each lap if the setup was modified or not, to see which bestlap is done with original setup (marked with -> (m))
+ [GEN-122] - Added fuel-empty speed / if fuel is under 10% the speed is limited to 1/5 of speed
+ [GEN-123] - Enabled fuel consumption and pitbox fill up for fuel
+ [GEN-124] - Added damage behavior for car (damage >70 changes steering)
+ [GEN-128] - Set all instantiated lights to disabled by default - to handle it later in day/night mode
+ [GEN-133] - Added lamp/light control of day/night controller - automatic lamp switch depending on time
+ [GEN-134] - Added World Records PopUp with best racers overall
+ [GEN-135] - Added more infos to world record-scoreboard
+ [GEN-136] - Added 72 new tracks to the local cache
+ [GEN-137] - Added refresh button to the WR-scoreboard