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Object- Thread for missing or needed objects in trackeditor =Sticky=

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 13:49
by Elharter
Water tower
TyresMaybe red, white and black (ast as soft wall)
Traffic light
Team trailer
Stairsthat could be driven downstairs, but not upstairs (or only with big cars, like monstertrucks)
Sponsor board
Sponsor boardThis can have the GentRacing logo on it and be used in corners to avoid shortcuts.
Short versions of objects, besides hedgefence, armco, concrete wall, soft wall, etc.
Recoloured soft wallto black, blue, green, orange
Recoloured pedestrian bridge
Recoloured hard wallto black, blue, green, orange
Random treea tree object, that is not set as a specific tree, but varies from race to race (random)
Pit garagethat could be driven into
Pit building
Oil barrel
More wallsstone, tyre, red, high, brick, catch wire, curved, half size
More trees
More standsgrandstands, covered, corner pieces, small, wooden, empty, etc.
More lamps
More houses2 storey houses, wooden houses, etc.
More gatesnumbered, texted, half gates (only one pole, hanging over track), etc.
More bridgeswith more terrain types (not just tarmac surface), wall-less, loopbridge, corkscrew bridge, etc.
Kerbas an object - like a low, long sunk tyre
Jump ramp
invisible wall (Soft)
invisible wall (Short)
Gas station
Flag man
Custom length wallClick-and-drag fashion wall of configurable type (concrete, armco, hay,…). Also ability to curve it.
Chaletthat looks like an office block only with people and balconies
Bush with flower

Re: Object- Thread for missing or needed objects in trackeditor =Sticky=

Posted: 19 Jan 2022, 14:50
by Harrii
What about:
- TeamTents (function like pit garage, different colors)
- Campingtents (fan stuff or biwak for drivers)
- Checkpoint marker (this rally markers or/and flags like in Extreme E)

Re: Object- Thread for missing or needed objects in trackeditor =Sticky=

Posted: 15 Apr 2022, 15:08
by Harrii
What about:
- timeline for objects (old fashioned Pitcrew, modern Pitcrew, cars from diffent decades)
- different cultural objects (african houses, asian buildings, american campers, poles with different country flags)
- specific buildings from different series (Extreme E Command Centre, Startfacility of Motorcross/Rally)